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Managing Through Crisis: How COVID-19 Spotlighted the Need for Great People Managers

    Hey Garden State HR Professionals:

    “It’s Boss Time”

    Get your People Managers ready for the challenges ahead.

    Is learning to rock and roll with best practice leadership skills music to your ears?

    Join us for this engaging and timely webinar

    Managing Through Crises: How COVID-19 Spotlighted

    The Need for Great People Managers

    Given the new realities of today, make sure your leaders have the skills to help rebuild your business, revitalize workplace culture and keep employees going strong. This interactive session will discuss

    -Communicating effectively and transparently

    -Team and trust building

    -Motivating, inspiring and engaging employees

    -Setting and tracking goals


    In addition to insight on the new SHRM People Manager Qualification (PMQ).


    View live: Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 1:30pm

    Program Length: 90 minutes

    This program has been approved for 1.5 SHRM PDC & 1.5 HRCI General re-certification credits.

    Alexander Alonso, PhD, SHRM-SCP is the Society for Human Resource Management's (SHRM's) Chief Knowledge Officer leading operations for SHRM Certification, Research functions, SHRM's Paragon Labs, and SHRM Foundation. Dr. Alonso serves as a columnist analyzing major trends in the workforce for The Industrial Psychologist and HR Magazine.

    Nick is the Chief Global Development Officer for SHRM, the world’s largest HR professional society, where he leads the SHRM teams responsible for: producing all SHRM conferences and events; developing and delivering all SHRM education and training courses, products and services, including SHRM certification preparation training.

    Better managers create better workplaces.

    This event is open to everyone, whether or not you are SHRM member!

    Register Now:


    Garden State Council-SHRM

    In partnership with 11 SHRM affiliated chapters

    Representing NJ HR professionals seeking a competitive advantage