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    When Work Works

    Date: February 20, 2016
    SHRM and Families and Work Institute (FWI)
    Event Type:
    On Going Training
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    When Work Works - Program and Process

    About the When Work Works Awards

    The Awards are part of When Work Works, a research-based initiative to highlight how effective and flexible workplaces can yield positive business results and help employees succeed at work and at home. When Work Works is a joint partnership between Families and Work Institute (FWI)and The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).

    Since 2005, When Work Works (WWW) has been recognizing model employers of all types and sizes across the U.S. for their innovative and effective workplace practices. In addition to the recognition of earning an award by FWI and SHRM in national media, When Work Works’community partnersrecognize local winners in their communities by hosting local awards events.

    All applicants receive a free benchmarking report on workplace effectiveness and flexibility, based on their application, comparing their responses to other award applicants, winners, and nationally representative samples of employers.

    For more information about the partnership, visit

    2015 - 2016 Application Process and Scoring Criteria

     Registration is free. There is no application fee for 2015-2016 awards cycle.

    If you have multiple locations, each office is eligible to apply for this award since this is a U.S. worksite specific awards program.

     Using a rigorous scoring methodology that emphasizes the real life experiences of employees and incorporates national benchmarks for employer practices, the When Work Works Awards honor organizations that are using workplace flexibility as a strategy to make work “work”better—for both the employer and the employee. The application process takes place in two rounds.

     Round 1

        •       Employers apply by completing an on-line application about the flexibility programs and practices at their worksite, which may take about 30 minutes to complete online plus some possible prep time to gather your answers.

        •       For employers with more than one location, each site can submit a separate application and is judged and awarded the Award independently. Responses provided by the employer are then measured against a nationally representative sample of employers, based on Families and Work Institute’s ongoing National Study of Employers.

        •       Employers that rank among the top 20% of employers in the U.S., when compared with this national data, are selected as finalists and move on to Round 2.

     Round 2

        •       Employers are invited to have their employees complete a questionnaire, which takes approximately 30 minutes to complete. The survey asks about their individual use of and experiences with flexibility and other aspects of an effective workplace, the supportiveness of their workplace culture and whether they perceive any negative consequences for using flexibility at their workplace.

        •       For organizations with fewer than 250 employees at the worksite, all employees (including the person submitting the application) are surveyed. For larger worksites, a random sample of 250 employees is sampled using the email list provided by the employer.

        •       Of those surveyed, a 40% response rate is required. The final scoring heavily weights the experience of employees. While one third of the final score depends on the employers’responses, two thirds of the score is determined by the employees’responses.

        •       There is no minimum or maximum number of award recipients. Winners located in one of our WWW community partners area, will receive an award at a local recognition event.


    1) A minimum of 10 employees must work at or report to the U.S. worksite applying for the award. This does notinclude contract workers or consultants for whom you do not withhold federal income tax from paychecks, but does include part time employees, hourly employees and employees who travel frequently or work from home as long as they report back to the applying worksite.

     2) The organization must have been in operation in the United States for at least one year.

     3) All worksites must have a designated liaisonto complete the Round 1 employer survey, to coordinate the completion of Round 2 surveys, and to receive notifications that the worksite may receive. The liaison can only be changed by Please note that if you have more than one location, you will need to complete a separate application for each worksite. A single liaison may fulfill this function for multiple worksites.


    This year we have changed the award cycle to accommodate more applicants. The online employer application form will be available on August 17, 2015. Winners will be announced in late April 2016.

    The projected timeline and deadlines for each phase of the process including the employee survey will be posted online in mid August. Please if you would like to be added to our WWW email list so you receive information about our program.

     We look forward to receiving your employer application and recognizing you as a top employer!

     When Work Works - Workplace Flexibility Tools & Resources

     Since 2005, When Work Works (WWW) has been recognizing model employers of all types and sizes across the U.S. for their innovative and effective workplace practices. In addition to the recognition of earning an award by FWI and SHRM in national media, When Work Works’community partnersrecognize local winners in their communities by hosting local awards events.

     Below are links to some of the most recent resources for you to learn about and how to integrate flexible workplace practices in your organization.

     To learn more, visit